Alles is Drama
Student Theatre Association
established in Maastricht 1981
Follow our Instagram @allesisdrama for more updates
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Alles is Drama?
Alles is Drama is an international student theatre association based in Maastricht.
What does Alles is Drama offer?
We typically have three productions in a year, 1-2 courses per semester, clubs and committees as well as activities such as murder mystery dinners and weekends away. We currently have a crafts club, a book club, a Dungeons and Dragons club and an improv theatre club (together with Kaleido, also open to non-members). For more information, please visit our individual club website pages. Our committees are the ExCo (External Relations), ProCo (Productions), KasCo (Treasury) and Accie (Activities). For more information, please visit our individual committee website pages.
Who can join Alles is Drama?
Alles is Drama is a student association for all people interested in theatre, however be aware that our members are around 18-25 years of age. We have students and non- students as members.
How can I join Alles is Drama?
You can join us twice a year when our sign-up period is open. This is typically at the beginning of each semester in August/September and January/February.
What does a membership cost?
We have two types of memberships, a year membership (September to July) or a semester membership (September to January or February to July). You can only buy a yearly membership at the start of the academic year. A year membership costs 91,20€ and a semester membership costs 65,90€. If you buy a semester membership in September and then decide to join us for a full year, you need to buy another semester membership in January. If you want to join a course or production, you will have to pay a fee for that also (around 40-80€).
What language is Alles is Drama in?
We are an international association, with all of our offers as well as our communication language being fully English. We have Dutch and international members.
How do I contact/follow Alles is Drama?
You can contact us on our email at or follow us on our Instagram, TikTok, Youtube or LinkedIn @allesisdrama