Alles is Drama
Student Theatre Association
established in Maastricht 1981
Buy tickets to our Spring Semester Production "Harvey" now!
Follow our Instagram @allesisdrama for more updates
Donate to help us continue our work
Arts & Crafts Club
Due to popular demand, we have now added Arts & Craft to the clubs we offer. In crafts club, members will be able to come together and work on (their own or communal) Arts & Crafts projects.
If you want to hear more about Crafts Club and the other clubs we will organise this upcoming year, save the date for our Presentation Evening: September 4 at 19:00. You can sign-up by sending an email to and mentioning the club in the email subject or joining via the whatsapp community.
Practical information:​
Club Leaders: Phoebe & Marianna
Contact Person: Myrthe
When? To be discussed among the members​