Alles is Drama
Student Theatre Association
established in Maastricht 1981
Follow our Instagram @allesisdrama for more updates
Donate to help us continue our work
Do you like being creative, organising big and small events, planing ahead and going with the flow as well as getting to know and working with a group of lovely people?
Then the Activity Committee (Accie) is just the committee for you!
We are responsible for organising the weekly events on Wednesdays as well as our weekend aways, parties and other fun things.
We also meet bi-weekly to brainstorm new ideas and transform those ideas into actual events.
To join us just send an email to with the subject “Accie”. Hearing your motivation for joining is always nice, but simply being interested in what we do is already a great start. Also if you have a favourite musical I am also very interested in hearing about that!
I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the Accie this year!
Your Commissioner of Activities,